After much success exhibiting at the recent JEC Composites show in Paris, we are excited to announce that Starfire Systems will be exhibiting at the upcoming SAMPE Conference in Long Beach, CA from May 24-26. Visit us at Booth 254 to learn about all the exciting developments taking place at Starfire. We will be presenting our proprietary Polymer-to-CeramicTM technology, as well as our newest developments in polymer derived ceramic (PDC) technology. We hope to reconnect with those of you we met at JEC and meet with others interested in learning about all that Starfire has to offer in cutting-edge materials.
About Starfire Systems:
Starfire® Systems, a leader in the field of Polymer-to-Ceramic™ technology, engineers advanced materials solutions for customers seeking a competitive advantage. Our materials include ceramic forming polymers, thermosetting polymers, molding compounds, and specialty silanes. With a focus on aerospace, electronics, friction materials, and industrial applications, Starfire’s materials increase stability, durability, and flexibility to provide optimal performance at an affordable cost. Starfire Systems contracted with Alliant Techsystems (ATK) for NASA in 2004, supplying the polymer material for NOAX™ (Non-Oxide Adhesive Experimental) that would fly on all subsequent space shuttle missions. Starfire also won a notable contract with US Army Research Labs for $7MM in 2005.
About SAMPE:
SAMPE, the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering is an international professional member society that provides information on new materials and processing technology via technical forums, journal publications, books, and events in which professionals in the field can exchange ideas and air their views. As the only technical society encompassing all fields of endeavor in materials and processes, SAMPE provides a unique and valuable forum for scientists, engineers, and academicians. The SAMPE conference is one of the leading materials processing and engineering industry events. The conference features a four-day technical program consisting of specialty classes and sessions covering the State of the Industry, Advanced Materials, Applications, and Processing Technology.